Young Energy Professionals Forum
1) About SAFFE
The South Asia Forum for Energy (SAFFE) formed in 2009, is a not-for-profit organization, actively working in the energy sector to promote greater awareness about energy , equity, environment and enterprise.
Since its inception, SAFFE has been working proactively on relevant energy issues by providing a platform for dissemination of knowledge and informed debates on energy issues. Experts at SAFFE contribute to nation-building through policy research, policy advocacy and sector studies with participative knowledge networking. The experts/stakeholders comprise of policy makers, decision makers, CEO’s from government organizations/Ministries, private sector, developers, consulting, research and academic organizations.
SAFFE envisions to make the upcoming generation one of the key stakeholders in building a sustainable energy future. On the occasion of the World Environment Day SAFFE formally announced the induction of student and academic professionals in SAFFE at special, subsidized membership fee. It was also announced that any institute having more than fifteen student members may form a student chapter for the institute to be facilitated by a nominated faculty who will be invited to be an Honorary Member of SAFFE. It was further stated that depending on skill and performance selected student members may be inducted in the Young Energy Professionals Forum of SAFFE which was also announced at the World Environment Day function.
2) About Young Energy Professionals Forum (YEPF)
The future of country lies in the hands of Youth - the future belongs to them. The Young Energy Professionals Forum shall invite professionals below 35 years of age to seek their involvement and perspective in mapping the future course of energy sector in South Asia region.
3) Objectives and Activities
The YEP Forum shall be managed by Young Professionals below the age of 35 years and working in synergy with the objectives and vision of South Asia Forum for Energy (SAFFE). A coordination committee shall be constituted from amongst the members of YEP Forum to coordinate, facilitate and manage the activities of YEP Forum. Secretary General, SAFFE shall keep an over view of the activities of YEP Forum with a view to facilitate them and shall have the deciding power to approve or overrule any proposal of YEP Forum.
YEP Forum may organize and execute some of the following activities as may be planned and decided by the coordination committee and approved by Secretary General.
a) To conduct Issues Survey on relevant energy issues through electronic media or in person to seek views and suggestions on relevant energy issues for promoting energy conservation, efficiency, equity and environment.
b) Organize talk shows, seminar, workshops, conference, tech. fest, exhibition and competition on relevant energy issues.
c) Develop data base of energy professionals in academic and technical Institutes and facilitate Industry-Academia interface for developing a better understanding of Industry needs and increasing the employability of students.
d) Develop partnership with likeminded organizations like World Energy Council, Institution of Engineers, QCI,CII, AIMA ,and undertake projects for these organizations linked to energy sector on financial consideration as may be mutually agreed to.
e) Associate with senior experts from SAFFE and support them for consultancy contracts and energy audit etc. to increase the visibility, outreach and financial strength of the organization.
f) Organize campus placement interviews and support the Industry in the recruitment process of desirable candidate from the data base to be developed by the YEP Forum.
g) Establish communication links with similar Young Professionals Forum in South Asian countries and work for developing harmony and awareness on energy issues in South Asia region.
h) YEP Forum may maintain its Facebook page and website link through and also publish a periodic newsletter/e-magazine for creating awareness amongst its members and energy fraternity.
4) Membership
The membership of YEP Forum shall be open to all young professionals below the age of 35 years preferably from energy sector against application to be submitted by desirous person on Application Form as annexed and its review and selection by the authorized committee of SAFFE /YEP Forum.
Initially the membership for YEP Forum may be limited to 50 selected young professionals (40 from India and 10 from other South Asian Countries), and shall be without any charge or fees. However, SAFFE may review and introduce a token membership fee at a later date as deemed fit.
5) Finance and budget.
The steering committee of YEP Forum shall select a Financial Advisor from amongst themselves to maintain a budget and statement of accounts for YEP Forum. Initially a reasonable budget as approved by SAFFE Governing Council shall be released by SAFFE for its YEP Forum. However, the YEP Forum shall endeavor to mobilize funds through its activities so that in due course of time the YEP Forum can be self sustaining financially.
The Governing Council of South Asia Forum for Energy (SAFFE) reserves its right to review and audit the activities and books of account for YEP Forum and extend its scope of services or curtail it as deemed fit.